Can we even do this much on Roatan!

If you are on Roatan and you don’t read this shame on you.Having said that, Happy Holidays everybody! But seriously please read this, it’s important.

When you or a family member is ill or injured, where do you turn?

If you’re like most in our community, you go to a hospital or a clinic.

Because you know you will receive medical care that only a qualified Professional can provide. You probably go to Clinica Esperanza or as we islanders call it, Miss Peggy clinic, because you know that you’ll be treated like a real person, by dedicated, compassionate health professionals in a warm, caring environment.


As most of you know I am a local islander on an unlikely journey, fighting against all odds, to become a doctor. If there is somebody that knows and cares for the people of Roatan both tourist, expats, and local it’s me.  Being a doctor with a message of hope and change in my community is something that I badly want to do, it is what I believe my purpose is in life and is something I will continue to work hard for if given the chance. To do this I need your help.

While having medical brigades is awesome, when you train a local doctor that knows and is a part of local communities, you are helping touch the lives of thousands– whether patients are facing an urgent need, a devastating disease or seeking to improve their quality of life. Your aid can help make the difference

I want to be the vehicle thru which you can make a difference.  I want to serve you and your loved ones – to provide hope, healing and recovery. Your gift for this next year of schooling is extremely important because it will enable me to learn the clinical skills that can one day make a real difference in the lives of many.2015-gift-never-waster-graphic

Your gift of any amount to my fundraising campaign at will help me continue on this journey,  and will help make an immediate impact on urgently needed health services for our community.

I am committed to working hard to honour your gift by being all that I can be – for you, for your loved ones, for every person in the community.  Please help to make this possible with your contribution.

I need your support. You and I can make a difference. Right here. Right now.

Thank you so much for your help.
Natan Webster

Calling out the village people: Yes YOU!

margaretmead101283 (2)This week thanks to our governments eternal love for holidays… for being such a poor country boy we sure do have a bunch of holidays but this post is not about that it’s about you…. As I was saying because of the holidays I got to come home to Roatan for this week, it has been great to spend time with my mom and sisters, meet with some people who have been helping me in my journey and see old friends. I LOVE my country and I love my island, Roatan is a very unique place filled with many wonderful people. People from all over the world come here to call this place home, or to get a view of the beauty that is found here.

Today I am calling some of those people out and I´m putting you on the spot.
I have seen some of the reporting concerning the local hospital but I refrained from commenting till I came home and could get a close up look. My friends what is going on with the hospital is a damn shame but it’s our fault. We have made great investment on this island our infrastructure is getting there we have some beautiful resorts we have some awesome restaurants yes our roads are awful and our hospital is …. Well I don’t need to tell you, but we have not invested in our human resource, education is a huge problem for us. Now I am not saying that we do not have highly educated people here because we do, but we need more. I was telling a friend, don’t you think this situation would be a lot different if the minister of health was someone from the island or if we had somebody in the minister´s office? Dr Raymond is an awesome doctor but he was left to hold the forth alone, but he couldn´t he needs reinforcement. we need Highly qualified people with a passion for our community and only then things will change.

Here is the good news, the cavalry is coming! But your help is needed!


Consider this a shameless plug because well…. that´s what it is. See, for the past three years I have had a village of friends who have helped me on my journey to become a doctor with a message and a mission here in Honduras. Thanks to them next year I will be taking my last semester classes then I will start my rotations, But to do that I need your help I need you to dream with me.

I am running a fundraiser to raise 8000 dollars to cover a full year of medical school, without raising the money I would not be able to fulfil my calling. I have tried to tell some, it is great for us to have missionary trips and medical brigades and I sure appreciate the people who are willing to take the time and money to do that they fill such an important role that someday I hope to become one of them, it’s largely because of their influence in my life that I have a much different view on life than other guys who grow up in extreme poverty the way I did, but the best we can do is to help train people in the community our effect would be much greater and the ripple effect in doing so is really immeasurable.

I would like to one of those local strategic investments you can make today, I am asking you to help me on this journey. Please go on over to and click the donate button today.  I cannot do this without your help. Please also consider sharing my story with your friends via Facebook. I greatly appreciate any action taken to help me. I know trying to raise 8000 dollars is hard but I must try, I am trusting God and YOU to help me get there.

I proudly continue working hard to be a community doctor. I continue to dream of helping and healing people and with your help. Please go on over to SOL today and chip in to help get me accross the finish line.Make sure to type Natan Webster in the dedication line, and please make sure to share this post with your friends. Also remember that all donations made via SOL are tax deductible.

I need 150 people to donate 48 dollars to reach my goal, friend I am calling on you to consider investing in me today, and to sharing my journey with your friends. If I could get a loan I would, I don’t mind graduating with some debt I just want to graduate, I just want an opportunity to be all that I can be, I want an opportunity to prove myself and to be the change I want to see in the world.

donate here now help me get over the finish line.

I am thankful to my mentors, friends, and supporters who continue to share my story with others.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

It takes a village

One of my friends and ardent supporter, Tricia Rolston Power, recently was working to get me an Ipad that my school was asking me for. I did not have to ask her for this, I did express my disgust at my university for requiring this from me and she moved quickly to make sure this would not be a problem for me. One of her friends said “you will get that boy thru med school, good for you.” she wrote and I quote ” it takes a village or in this case and island and a very dedicated young man.”
Well I am a very dedicated young man and I am proud to say I have an amazing village at my back.

When I started med school back in 2011, I was facing eight years of study and had no clue really as to the amount of funds I would need or how to come up with it. But I knew it was the right thing to do with my life. I had to do it. As most of my friends know I grew up very poor, I am the eldest child of a single mother of four, so I am way out of my league here. This is defying gravity and beating the odds and yes my friends it takes a village.

Near the end of the last semester I started a fundraiser with a goal to raise 25% of the funds needed for the following year. With the help of friends such as Jessi Pfeltz, Karl Stanley, Toney Etches, Caroline Power, Tricia Rolston Power, Harold Green, Tecie Montgomery, Patty Grier, Lizz Riggs, Nicholas Bach, Karin Fehlauer, Kathy Shupe, Debbi Lybrand, Stu cook, and so many others, I was able to meet that goal in less than two weeks. It does take a village and I have an awesome one.

A big concern of mine has been will I be able to maintain this support, this is a very long career and I am just about half way thru it. If it was my parents, well what choice would they have? If it was loans well it would be much easier to repay those if I graduate. But it is people taking their hard earned money and sending it to me so I can become a big shot doctor. Recently while in prayer and expressing these concerns to the Lord, I got a message from my friend Jessi, she said “I will see you thru to the end.” This reminded me of that age old promise “I will be with you even unto the end.” It takes a village and I have an awesome one.

 I hope to someday become an awesome doctor, I hope to help many sick people, I hope to help many poor people get an education, I hope to become a member of our local Rotary Club, I hope to work with Sol, Clinica Esperanza and so many others who are doing so much good work in and outside of my community. I hope to take care of my mother and to help my sisters. I hope to change my world. I hope to one day become a part of this awesome village.

If I am successful I could never describe myself as the self-made man. Because I´ve had a village and each of you are doing so much for me, each of you are such an important part of my journey. If I am successful it will be because of each of you. I will never be able to repay all that you´ve given to me, but I will work hard every day to make sure I am honouring the investment you´ve made in my future, making sure you can look back and be proud to be a part of this awesome village.

I am starting the next semester on Monday and just wanted to take a little time to say thank you for having my back.

I will never feel sorry for an animal! My Thoughts on animal cruelty and roatan

I love my country and I love my Island, Roatan is a very unique place filled with many wonderful people. People from all over the world come here to call this place home, or to get a view of the beauty that is found here. I have seen some of the recent reporting on animal cruelty here and in the rest of this country,Honduras, that I call home.

In case you missed it. First, a YouTube video was all over the internet of a group of guys tying explosives on a dog and blowing him up alive while they laugh and enjoyed the spectacle, one of the guys involved was a member of the local police force. There was an immediate outcry and congress moved quickly to pass and animal cruelty law, Yes there was none on the books believe it or not.

Then last week pictures showed up on Facebook and quickly made their way around the internet. First, of a family whose dog had been brutally butchered by a church leader, on the family property while the family watched and begged him to stop, included a ten year old girl. Second, of a drunk that had cut off two of a dog’s legs thus causing the animal a very slow and painful death.
The island community responded with indignation, marches were organized and charges were filed.

What you’ve got to understand about one of the most violent countries in the world is that, while these were extreme events and drew attention because of the social media attention, animal cruelty in Honduras is common. While the Islands are an exception to the rest of the country in many regards, in this it is not.
Oh the stories I could tell you. Like my stepfather talking about how he put a bunch of cats in a mud oven and lit in on fire thus burning them to death, for the fun of it. Or the sweet little old lady in our congregation who would tie her dogs puppies in a sack and trow them in the ocean alive. Or how one of my ministers once proudly declared “I will never feel sorry for an animal, that´s just ridiculous, animals don´t have feelings.”
Growing up none of these statements or actions bothered me, Because they were “normal” and that is the problem. See in Honduras cruelty and violence is “normal.” While I have always been outraged and impulsed to act and speak up against cruelty to other human beings, cruelty to animals just didn’t matter much to me. I am proud to say that is no longer the case.

Just yesterday I was talking to a friend that is also from Roatan( he is studying microbiology here in Tegus), about the events back home. He said  and I quote ” We have so much problems in this country, why are people wasting time and resources on this? What does a stupid dog matter? animals don’t even have feelings.” I tried to explain to him that it does matter, that animals do have feelings! But I kept thinking he is right on one thing, we do have many problems in this country. Is this a good use of our time and our resources?

But see here is the problem violence begets violence, and by far the biggest problem we have in this country is the high level of violence and the great disregard for life. I tried to explain to my friend that even if you do not care for animals the way some people do, violence and cruelty cannot be tolerated and it has to stop. This is what is eating at the core of this country and is not permitting us to reach our potential. You and I have a moral obligation to do something about it.
Then I started thinking about some of the people involved here.

One of the loudest voices on this and organizer of some of the response has been Tricia Rolston Power. Tricia has been a fierce advocate for my education, without her it would be impossible for me to raise money to keep going to medical school. Tricia recently suffered a leg injury and she was out at the March. YES SHE DOES NEED TO STAY OF OFF THAT LEG, but we’ll forgive her for this one. Tricia cares about lives and Roatan.

Nidia Webster a local Islander has been a strong advocate for poor people on the Island, she works very hard to make sure, going town to town, that people have a meal to eat, or kids have somewhere to sit at school with Roatan Because we care. Nidia cares about lives and Roatan.

Edda Borjas one of my favorite people, Edda is a member of the local rotary club giving of her time and efforts to help the needy. She has done amazing work with the island clean up effort for example. Edda organized this march, Edda cares about lives and Roatan.


These are people who understand the problems and they are working hard to help solve them. They do the things I have mentioned here and so much more. I am proud to see them and so many other people take a stand on these issues in my community. These are people who are speaking up for the voiceless, or the weak, for those that the rest of us might not care about so much, and that includes the animals.
Whether you are an animal lover or not, it is time for us to stand together and say cruelty and violence in any form is just not acceptable. This does matter because this is the only way things will ever change. I ,for one, am anxious to finish my education and head back home to the island to assist and become a part of efforts like these in my community.

But for now I have to go stick my nose in a Biochemistry textbook

see ya

Thank you!


Thanks to you, my future is now brighter, and my dreams are becoming realities

When I started my fundraising campaign I was not sure I would be able to raise the money to come back to medical school next year. My medical Program is 8 years long and having to keep coming back and ask friends and supporters for money every year is difficult. I thought this might be the year people might say no, but once again I have found that you are generous people and are willing to support good choices.

But thanks to your help I have now raised over 1800 dollars, which surpasses my goal for school year 2015.  I still have to wait on confirmation from Sol and rotary as to whether the will continue my scholarship next year, these are crucial parts of the 7000 dollars per year I must have to continue, without one of them I would be in trouble. But thanks to you I am now ending my online fundraising campaign.Which means I can now focus on finishing this school year strong, and stop cluttering your timeline with donation requests!

Your support will help to buy the books, pay the  tuition, transportation and lab fees for another year in the medical program here in Honduras. Knowing you have my back is a real blessing an encourages me to continue fighting to be successful in this incredible journey.

I will be posting grades for this year early in December.

I know post people are probably leaving the island for the Christmas holidays, but if you are on the island I would love to meet with you to say thank you in person and chat a bit.

Again thank you so much Mark, Tricia, Joel, Anna, Caroline, Karin, Janice, Tecie, Dave, Peggy, Ptolemy, Jennifer, Marlen, Debbie, and so many others who share, follow, and are a part of my experience. I still have a long way to go but having your support makes all the difference in the world. You believing in me , encourages me to believe in myself. I will continue to work hard every day to be the kind of doctor you can be proud of.

Again thank you all very much.

Look forward to seeing grades ,for this year, in the next month.

I´ve had choices!

I’ve had choices , since the day that I was born.
There were voices , that told me right from wrong.
If I had listened , no I wouldn’t be here today.
Livin’ and dyin’ , with the choices I’ve made.

I received news today of a young man, named Crist, being murdered on the island. Crist and I grew up next door to each other, while he and I were never really friends we were neighbors. I knew him quite well and am saddened by what has happened to him. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Hearing of Crist´s untimely passing made me think of the past. I remember very well one night hanging with a few boys at the corner of our neighborhood, the guys there that night were Jeremy, Alstan, Fredy, Edmond, Crist, Murphy, Leroy, and Natan(me). we were between 9 and 12 years old, it wasn´t a school night so this is usually the nights we were allowed to stay out. I cannot remember everything but I remember we were having a wrestling competition as boys usually do. little did we know or even think about the turns our lives would take.

Fast forward to today. Oh what a different picture. Jeremy, the fun loving clown of the group,  is currently unemployed and has problems with drugs and alcohol. Alstan ,the shy one, has been in and out of jail and also has a terrible drug addiction. Fredy got involved in the gangs was in and out of jail until he was found dead in the woods. Edmond ,the bully, got involved with the gangs managed to keep himself out of jail but ended up murdering a young men earlier this year and last I heard was in jail. Murphy got on some very heavy stuff ended up brained damaged, he was a drug addict and a thief until he was too found dead in the woods earlier this year. Leroy ,the rich kid, moved to the U.S last I heard he had joined the army or something like that. And Crist , the too cool for school one, well he got in trouble and was murdered this morning.

Yep, these were the kids I grew up with they had almost the same opportunities and upbringing as I did. how did we end up on such different paths? How did these boys end up all messed up in life, and I…. well a little less so. I was talking to my mother this morning about how Christ Freddy and Murphy were my next door neighbors, these were they kids ,my age, that lived in the houses around us in Coxen Hole and they are all dead. All three murdered, that thought is surreal to me!

I dot know what the answer is, why things happened as they did. But I thank God for the mind he gave me to seek out a different path, a better path! I am thankful for the people and the influences he brought into my life.I am thankful for my mother and the way she raised me.
I have truly had choices along the way, and I have made some bad ones and some good ones. I remember the first time someone offered me a cigarette I tried it, bent over nearly vomited and decided never to try it again. I remember my dad and brother laughing at me when I went to visit him because I would not drink alcohol. Yea thank God he didn´t raise me. This is not say that people who smoke cigarretes or drink alcohol are gonna end up this way, it’s that at the age this was offered to me it would have been a very bad choice for me!

I choose a couple years ago to come into the capital to enroll in a medical program, a choice I did not make likely, the capital is a dangerous place and coming here would mean giving up a lot. I am very poor and medical school is incredibly expensive so I knew raising the money to finish would be difficult at best. my mother is in her fifties and a single woman so not working for eight years would mean me not being able to help my mother for eight years, my girlfriend, my church family, my job, these were all very hard choices to make. would I even be successful? what if I failed the very first class?

Again I thank God for giving me the courage to make good choices. One of the things I am most looking forward to is being able to look young people in the face, young men like Crist and Murphy , and say to them there is a better way, hard work and determination does pay. Here is how I did it, let me tell you my story ! And let me tell you if you make good choices there is an army of people, Dr Nate being number one, that will stand behind you. I am thankful for Peggy Stranges Over at Clinica Esperanza , Mark and Dave Elmore over at SOL who supported my choice to come to medical school and helped open a way for that to happen even when they knew very little about me.

Eleanor Roosevelt said “in the long run we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility”

As most of you know I started my fundraising campaign for the following year of medical school in october with the goal of raising 1750 dollars to help cover the 7000 dollars needed to stay in medical school here in tegus.
Thanks to Generous donations from Karin Fehlauer, Janice Fehlauer, Caroline power, Averard D’Souza,Jess ica Pfeltz,Ma Barley, and Anna Boucher Moskowits  I have raised 1350 dollars for the next school year and step in this journey. I still need to raise 400 dollars to be able to come back next year and I need your help to do so.

If you would like to help me on this journey go on over to and click the donate button today. I can not do this without your help. Please consider sharing my story with your friends via Facebook. I greatly appreciate any action taken to help me.

I proudly continue working hard to be a community doctor. I continue to dream of helping and healing people and with your help. Please go on over to SOL today and chip in to help get me accross the finish line.Make sure to type Natan Webster in the dedication line, and please make sure to share this post with your friends. Also remember that all donations made via SOL are tax deductible.

donate here now help me get over the finish line.

I am thankful to my mentors, friends, and supporters who continue to share my story with others.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

A fight worth fighting


Dear Family and Friends,

Thanks to your continuous support through this adventure called medical school. I am now a little over a month away from having another year completed in this effort to become a doctor in Honduras. I feel so privileged and blessed to be on this amazing journey.

I was thinking today about the words of Gandhi who said, ¨I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.¨ Gandhi also said ¨Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.¨

See I live in one of the most violent country in the world. while my country is amazing and I love it, it is no secret that we are plagued by great violence and extreme poverty. Studying medicine here in the capital I see both in all their splendor and glory everyday. Here one could be targeted for murder any day simply because some young man is getting started in a gang as is reported here  ¨One man had been shot in the back repeatedly by a gang initiate, and had to spend two months in the hospital and relearn how to walk. Even though he’d initially been targeted at random — the initiate was told to kill the next person he saw — he found out after he recovered that the initiate was now obligated to track him down and finish the job.  People have fled the country after they watched their mothers killed by gang members — knowing that witnesses of gang murders aren’t allowed to live.¨

I have a friend whose mother and brother were murdered and I had to leave my apartment and move to another part of the city because my landlord had been threatened by a gang. More on this latter!

In 2011, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime labeled Honduras the Murder Capital of the World with 82 homicides for every 100,000 inhabitants. In 2013 the rate increased to 91.6 with no signs of near-term improvement. Our new president proclaimed that the rate has indeed decreased in the last year. as one of my classmates pointed out in my public health class, the president clearly meant to say that the population was decreasing.

I see it in the face of all the people digging thru every garbage dump they can find for food, or the people who make the long lines at the hospital next to the faculty. A lot of these people have to stand in line for hours with no money to purchase food or water after having gone thru great lengths to get to the hospital only to be told that the medication they need is not available.  There is extremely limited access to any kind of medical care, which is why it terrifies me to think of Ebola reaching our shores.

It is in this country of deep violence and extreme poverty that God has called me to serve. Not as a volunteer or as a foreigner who does great work but leaves after a few weeks. But as a product ,if you will, of this place.

I sometimes feel ashamed or weary of being an advocate for myself. trying to get people to give me money to go to a fancy medical program is not very inspiring and to think that this has to go on for a few years is frustrating.  But them I pass those long lines and I realize that it is worth it. When I am able to help fill that need it will be worth it! I do not know why I have been set on this path maybe in being and advocate for myself I will be a better advocate for others when the time comes.

I certainly look forward to being able to look other young men in the face and say there is a better way. Thru hard work and determination you can do more than you can imagine. That when you stand for good there is an army of people , me being number one, that will stand behind you. To be able to look into the face of young people and say here is how I did it. Every adversity I face every setback along the way just serves to strengthen my resolve. I am a happy warrior and a champion for my cause.

I remain being hopeful that more opportunities will arrive in the not too distant future to be able to continue funding my academic  expenses,  in this country that is my home, where need and the lack of opportunities are persistent.

Thanks to Generous donations from Karin Fehlauer, Janice Fehlauer, Caroline power, Averard D’Souza and Jessica Pfeltz I have raised 415 dollars for the next school year and step in this journey. I still need to raise 1335 to be able to come back next year and I need your help to do so.

If you would like to help me on this journey go on over to and click the donate button today. I can not do this without your help. Please consider sharing my story with your friends via Facebook. I greatly appreciate any action taken to help me.

I proudly continue working hard to be a community doctor. I continue to dream of helping and healing people and with your help, I will be one step closer to creating a healthier, and more just world for all of us.
Please go on over to SOL today and chip in making sure to type Natan Webster in the dedication line, and please make sure to share this post with your friends. Also remember that all donations made via SOL are tax deductible.

donate here now

I am thankful to my mentors, friends, and supporters who continue to share my story with others.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Will you be a part of this?


Dear Friends and Family,
I write this post with excitement, great Joy and hope for the future, as I continue my journey into medical school. As most of you know with help from Miss Peggy Stranges and Sol foundation I applied to and passed the admission testing, making more than the minimum requirement to enter medical school in Honduras in the summer of 2011.

My road to medical school has been challenging at best, as few students in my situation have tried to gain access to medical programs and succeeded, and of those who succeed to get in even fever actually get thru the program. I was born in less than ideal circumstances and have had and uphill battle all the way constantly beating long odds to overcome the challenges of life. I am the oldest of four siblings, and while growing up very poor with a single mother who did and awesome job considering the circumstances, I truly am a product of my family and communities hard work and perseverance, there are so many people that have invested time and energy in my journey way long before they even knew I was headed to medical school, Like Ptolemy and Neysa Matthews, and Joelle Fehlauer who came down to Honduras to volunteer time in a christian school I attended,all of whom made and incredible impression on me at a time when I was really struggling, fighting battles they knew nothing about.

I worked for three years at the local hospital in roatan, it was here that I truly became  inspired me to dream big and go beyond the expectations of my neighborhood. I know that inequities exist, and my curiosity for healing and justice deppened. I have made it my personal mission to improve conditions that prevent others from having equal treatment and access to education and healthcare resources. I have made it my mission to ease human suffering I believe this is the reason I was born.

My friends and mentors have said that I am a trailblazer, that I have taken the road less traveled, and that in the face of insurmountable challenges , I have overcome the greatest of obstacles. The reality is that I have had much help to be where I am today, and at every step of the way, I have encountered and relied on the kindness of friends, neighbors, teachers, and mentors to teach me and guide me through the process.

Now once more I must rely on the kindness of others to help me through my next step in medical school. Because Honduras really does not offer formal financial aid programs, or student loans, especially for poor people in medical school who´s parent has no valuable assets . I must fundraise to cover my medical school expenses in order to see my dream of becoming a community doctor come true. While I worked to pay my own way through high school, I am unable to work as a medical student due to the high volume of classes and information I will be required to learn over the next few years. I receive a partial scholarship from the foundation for the advancement of people administered by SOL foundation. which comes under review each year. This agreements as most of you probably already know requires that I raise part of the funds I need from the community.

It takes about 7000 dollars per year for me to stay in the program. I have a formula thru which Sol and Rotary provide roughtly 75% of this which leaves me to raise 1750 dollars per year. I have done this the past two years online with help from many friends. Well it is October I am about done with this year and it is time to do it again friends. I will be meeting with rotary and Sol in December to determine plans for the next year and whether they will continue funding me or not. But how about we start to raise our share and exceed it by them. I got help raising funds for this year from so many of you. Tricia, Anna, Nicki, Jennifer,Mark, Roatan homes, Peggy, Dave  and so many others shared my story and helped me raise the funds I needed for this year in about two weeks.

Friends, today I humbly ask you to dream with me. I am asking you to once again support my goal of becoming a physician by helping sponsor another year of my medical education, It would be impossible for me to do this without your help. My goal is to fundraise at least the 1750 dollars in order to help meet the 7000 dollars I will need for the next school year. . I am doing what I can in applying to scholarships, finding alternative measures of funding, and now asking for your support.

I know there are many other needs and I have seem so many request for money lately on Facebook for so many good causes, I also know that while we would like to help everyone there is only so much we can do. I have lamented how politicians are able to raise so much money from so many donors while many charities are lacking funding. But the truth is  one of the reasons they are able to do so is because a lot of people know about them.

Friend one of the best things you can do besides chipping in yourself is making sure to share this with your friends. I know there are many people who would be glad to help if they only knew about my dream and my story. After all, all I need is 1750 people to donate 1 dollar.

As I have mentioned before I am only able to continue on this journey because of the generous support of people like you, I would really appreciate it if you would go over to sol foundation website and make a donation of any amount to help me thru next year and to help me complete this program. I assure you I will honor that donation in loving service, and by making sure I am doing everything I can to pay it forward. Just make sure to type Natan Webster in the dedication box. Every penny sent to sol with the dedication line Natan Webster is administered to my scholarship Program, and is a foundational stone in helping me become a doctor with a message and a mission in Honduras.

Cesar words resonate with my life goals of community work — “We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community… Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.” I believe in the power we have as a community and hope that you can help me reach my dream of becoming a physician.
Thanks to the support of many I am about to finish and will soon be posting grades for macro-anatomy, neuro-anatomy,embryology,histology, and public health.

With your help next year, I’ll be able to finish physiology, bioquem, psychology, public health,microbiology, and genetics 

I proudly continue working hard to be a community doctor. I continue to dream of helping and healing people and with your help, I will be one step closer to creating a healthier, and more just world for all of us.
Please go on over to SOL today and chip in making sure to type Natan Webster in the dedication line, and please make sure to share this post with your friends. Also remember that all donations made via SOL are tax deductible.

donate here now

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thank you!

Respect is earned!

My mother always tells me “respect in this world is earned, for people to respect you, you are going to have to earn it.”
As I have pointed out before I am a very unique creature at the faculty of Medicine here in Tegus.I am one of the few black people that have graced the halls of this faculty and the only one in my current class. It is funny how people always ask me where I am from because it is obvious I am not from here. Most of the times I really don’t mind it. I like being different, I like the interesting conversations and relationships this entails.
But because I am so unique people sometimes say things that are rather offensive like when my neuro proffesor says, referring to a classmate, he  couldn’t be dumber if he was blacker. This of course implying that black people are stupid. Or a  classmate making fun of a black cadaver. Most of this of  course just flies over my head and I don’t pay it much attention. But I have had two experiences lately that have caused me to pause for thought.

One is, my Macro proffesor from the very first day of class I got the sence that he thought I was stupid, he treated me that way  and really acted right away like I was the weak link in the class. All my classmates noticed it and treated me that way too. Since I had never taken a class with him before I had to assume this was because I am black. I had two options I could complain about it or I could prove him wrong so for a couple weeks I worked very hard to learn as much as I could. On test day I scored highest in the class. My proffesor was visible shocked and impressed ” he said Nate you have proved me wrong. Continue proving people wrong and you will get very far.”
Now I have no problem with this proffesor or my classmates they all respect me and treat like what I am, one of the smartest people in the program. Respect earned!

The other, I was walking with my class of about 20 people into the hospital the back entrance is small so only one person can past at a time. I was about the 7th person  in the row when the guard stopped me and asked for student I.D, seven people passed before me none got asked, the rest passed after me none got asked both my friends and I thought this was rather odd. We got to a second guarded entry  before we could get to the classroom same thing happened again! Now I have other black people talk about being targeted like this but had never experienced myself. In fact I always thought surely it must be the way some dress or something. But I was not dressed any different than my classmates, no hoddy, no baggy clothes, none of it, the only different thing about me was that I am black.

I shared this on Facebook and my friend tricia said  “stuff happens.” and shared with me her experience of being I.D ed on campus, I do not know why she was I.D ed but surely it was not because she is black, because she isn’t. I love Tricia she helps me somuch with her comments on Facebook.

The truth is as we are going thru life we are going to find some pretty ignorant people and we can complain, we can kick the crap out of them but at the end of the day respect is earned. We have to prove people wrong all the bigots all the racist and all our haters.

I have me a pencil, some paper and a group of people who are giving time and money for me to be here. Respect is something you earn and I am out to earn mine. I will prove the racist the bigots and the haters wrong with God’s help.

Crisis at the border: A Honduran´s View

Let’s be clear illegal immigration is…. well illegal, every country has a sovereign right to have and defend its borders. I oppose illegal immigration and believe people should be punished who break the law. Now what is going on with the U.S southern border is sad indeed, I understand some of my american friends who have made very nasty comments about these kids, after all they are undermining your country´s sovereignty and breaking the law. But I also understand these kids because I am one of them. No I have never even thought about illegally going to the United States, But I live in Honduras one of the countries most of these kids are coming from. I have had friends that have made that dangerous journey, some on repeated occasions. I have had family that made that journey some of whom I have never seen since, or who came back deeply damaged like my uncle who came back with both his arms amputated. I like the way David Gergen at CNN summed up the situation and I quote
“As America grapples with a crisis of children on its southern border, another image from another time seems inescapable: that ship full of Jewish refugees off our shores as World War II approached.
You might have seen the story portrayed in the Holocaust Museum in Washington. It unfolded in 1939 as Jewish families fleeing from Germany took passage to Cuba on a German liner, the St. Louis. While underway, Cuba decided to deny them entry so they turned toward America, desperately hoping the United States would show them compassion.
But the U.S. political climate had turned hostile toward the growing number of European Jewish immigrants. On June 6, 1939, their ship hovered off the coast of Miami Beach — only to learn that the U.S. government refused them entry.
Losing hope, the St. Louis turned back to Europe and there, in the months and years that followed, over a third of its passengers perished at Nazi hands. America has had many noble moments, but that was a moment of shame that left an indelible stain.
Seventy-five years later, we are faced with a new group of desperate people hovering in our midst — this time children from Central America escaping escalating levels of violence few of us can fathom. While certainly no Nazi Germany, the growing humanitarian crisis in their home countries is glaring as rising murder rates for youths are a driving force behind the mass exodus.
How will we respond this time?

Just as with the Jewish refugees on the St. Louis, this influx is not primarily a story of immigrants traveling to America to seek opportunity and prosperity. This is a story of three countries so plagued by gang violence, chaos and poverty that a family would rather pay a “coyote” 18 months of income to take their 14-year-old daughter on a life-threatening 45-day, 2,000-mile journey than have her risk her life at home.
This is a story of three countries with levels of violence comparable to a war zone. Honduras suffers from the highest murder rate in the world, and El Salvador and Guatemala are in the top five. In fact, a civilian is twice as likely to be killed in these three countries as in Iraq during the height of the war. It’s the kids who are most at risk in this story. Boys are recruited into gangs sometimes before they hit their teenage years. Girls are forced into nonconsensual relationships with gang members where they are raped, abused and sometimes “disposed” of afterward. And any defiance invites violent retaliation and, often, death.
One immigration rights advocate recalls a mother telling her, “I would rather see my child die on the way to the United States than die on my doorstep.” Another organization reports a child explaining, “If you stay, you will die, if you leave, you might. … Either way it’s better to try.”
What should be done?”

My friend Ana Svoboda shared the following stats on Facebook.
“It is the worse migration crisis ever seen, but who can blame them? There are very few Hondurans that have the chance to make it through school. Out of 100 only 89 make it to 6th grade. Out of 89 only 49 make it to 7th grade. Out of 49 only 29 make it out of high school. Out of 29 only 15 make it to College and out of 15 only 7 graduate from college—true statistics.”

Friends we all know that education makes a big difference in people´s lives. Part of the answer to the humanitarian crisis of this generation is education. We all can help solve these problems not with some short term fix but something that will make a difference for the long term. I saw the request for over 3 billion dollars that president Obama made to congress and I could not help but think, what a difference that money would make and how quickly this problem would be solved if it was invested in improving the lives of these kids back home. I do not advocate giving money to the Honduran government; money given to this government rarely gets to the people that need it the most.

There are organizations such as Sol Foundation, Students Helping Honduras, and Little friends Foundation that are making a huge difference in the life of Honduran kids every day. SOL foundation provides scholarship and after school activities for kids that help keep them away from the gangs and building a better future for themselves. I am one of SOL scholarship recipients and I must say that SOL has given me a reason to hope that I can have a good life right here in my country helping and serving people in my community as a doctor, and they are doing the same for many other kids. You say well what does this have to do with immigration? Well I will never head for the border, my kids will never head for the border, and many more people affected by my success will never head for the border. A dollar sent to an organization such as SOL will make more of a difference in this humanitarian crisis than hundreds of dollar on border police or thousands given to the Honduran government.

So I make a call to all my american friends if this crisis concerns you and you would like to help make a difference go on over to SOL´s website and chip in to help them continue to do the work they are doing. You can make a huge difference today, long term difference, just by donating a few dollars. A donation of any amount will help the guys at SOL continue to offer hope and a better future to children who most need it in Honduras. Or just go over to their website and read about what they are doing, share it with a friend, or find out other ways that you can help.

